If DZA were spinning at the Super Bowl, it would quickly become the best and biggest arena-size house party ever to exist.
— Ocean Drive Magazine

“It’s what I like to do best,” says DZA, who was born in France but now calls Miami home. “I’m not scared to play Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ next to some hood record. It doesn’t bother me as long as it sounds right.”



His curatorial style is what has made Peachfuzz the most popular party in downtown Miami. He’s also behind Rotation, a weekly hip-hop party at LIV. That said, the man is in demand, and can be caught spinning everywhere from South Beach to Los Angeles.

You can find him monthly at Up & Down and 1 Oak NYC and  1 OAK Los Angeles - and weekly in Miami at Basement at EDITION South Beach and LIV at Fontainebleau.